Kamis, 12 Juni 2008

Nokia 2505
Nokia 2505 CDMA dengan design tipis, model flip, ada lampu senter, ruim card, radio, fashion punya deh dijamin gak akan nyesel. coba ditawarkan dengan harga yang cukup terjangkau hanya di 1 jutaan saja kok. ada berbagai macam warna merah, hitam dan pink
buruan pesan sebelum ketinggalan sama yang lainnya. Barang ready stock kok. tinggal telepon barang diantar ketempat anda, gak perlu repot harus bermacet ria, kena calo, parkir yang susah, pokoknya simple aja deh
Pemesanan hubungi
Mandala Cellular
Lt. Ground Blok A9/19
021-92729729,021- 98729729, 021-92585892

Rabu, 11 Juni 2008

Huawei C2605

Hi all, Mandala Cellular menawarkan dan memperkenalkan persembahan HP terbaru keluaran dari PT.BakrieTel yaitu Huawei C2605, HP murah meriah dengan harga special hanya Rp.230.000 saja.

Spesifikasi :
1. LCD B/W
2. Ringtone Polyphonick
3. Bisa rekam suara
4. Ruim card / bukan inject
5. Speaker Phone
6. Baterai bisa bertahan sampai dengan 13 hari
7. Talktime bisa bertahan sampai dengan 6,5 jam

Berminat??? Buruan pesan segera sebelum ketinggalan sama yang lainnya.
Cuma Esia yang bisa menjawab semua kebutuhan telekomunikasi murah.
Makanya pakai Esia, Untung pakai Esia

Terima antar dalam dan luar kota
Harga diatas belum termasuk ongkos kirim
Harga dapat berubah sewaktu - waktu dan harga diatas adalah harga pasaran tertinggi
Sistem pembayaran Transfer By BCA 3981239596 A/n Johannes Putra Puluh
Pemesanan barang hubungi
Mandala Cellular
Roxy Square
Lt. Ground Blok A9/19
021-92585892, 021-92729729, 021-98729729, 081808028080

ZTE C300 + Hepi

Setelah sekian lama di tunggu-tunggu oleh masyarakat Indonesia yang merindukan komunikasi murah, akhirnya PT.Mobile-8 mengeluarkan HP bundling ZTE C300 berikut dengan Perdana HEPI yang konon di klaim sebagai HP termurah.

Adapun Perdana Hepi ini adalah nomor lokal khusus yang dikeluarkan oleh PT.Mobile-8 yang digunakan untuk bersaing dengan beberapa operator CDMA lainnya. Keunggulan dari Hepi adalah menggunakan jaringan dari Operator Fren yang sudah terlebih dahulu sudah ada di pasaran Indonesia jadi tidak perlu khawatir dengan jaringannya.

Hp Bundling ini dikeluarkan dengan harga yang sangat murah hanya Rp.168rb, akan tetapi dikarenakan barangnya yang belum banyak di pasaran maka harga yang ada di pasaran saat ini sekitar Rp.200rb saja.

Spesifikasi :
1. Ruim card
2. Speaker Phone
3. Ringtone Polyphonic
4. LCD B/W dengan background layar warna biru

Berminat?? Buruan pesan sebelum ketinggalan dan mari Ber"Hepi"ria bersama HP C300 dengan kawan2 anda lainnya

Terima antar dalam dan luar kota
Harga diatas belum termasuk ongkos kirim
Harga dapat berubah sewaktu - waktu dan harga diatas adalah harga pasaran tertinggi
Sistem pembayaran Transfer By BCA 3981239596 A/n Johannes Putra Puluh
Pemesanan barang hubungi
Mandala Cellular
Roxy Square
Lt. Ground Blok A9/19
021-92585892, 021-92729729, 021-98729729, 081808028080

HP CDMA murah meriah second bergaransi

Kami menyediakan berbagai macam hp cdma second, murah meriah, bergaransi, bisa pakai semua kartu / tidak di lock operator tertentu.
Jadi kenapa harus ambil yang baru jika barang secondnya saja kita berani kasih garansi
Mumpung ada kapan lagi, ayo buruan sebelum kehabisan.
Barang yang tersedia adalah ZTE C150, ZTE C160, ZTE C169, masalah harga tenang aja bos kami memberikan harga sumanya rata2 di 150rb saja,
Ayo buruan sebelum ketinggalan.

Terima antar dalam dan luar kota
Harga diatas belum termasuk ongkos kirim luar kota, dalam kota jakarta GRATIS!!!
Harga dapat berubah sewaktu - waktu dan harga diatas adalah harga pasaran tertinggi
Sistem pembayaran Transfer By BCA 3981239596 A/n Johannes Putra Puluh
Pemesanan barang hubungi
Mandala Cellular
Roxy Square
Lt. Ground Blok A9/19
021-92585892, 021-92729729, 021-98729729, 081808028080

Huawei C2801

Mau mencoba menawarkan Hp Huawei Warna C2801 keluaran dari PT.Bakrietel dengan harga Rp.275.000 saja, bergaransi resmi 1 tahun
Spesifikasi :
1. Lcd Warna
2. Ruim card
3. Polyphonick Ring tone
Terima antar dalam dan luar kota
Harga diatas belum termasuk ongkos kirim
Harga dapat berubah sewaktu - waktu dan harga diatas adalah harga pasaran tertinggi
Sistem pembayaran Transfer By BCA 3981239596 A/n Johannes Putra Puluh
Pemesanan barang hubungi
Mandala Cellular
Roxy Square
Lt. Ground Blok A9/19
021-92585892, 021-92729729, 021-98729729, 081808028080

Indosat bangun cyber bus

Indosat bangun cyber bus

MAGELANG: PT Indosat Tbk bekerja sama dengan PO Nusantara meluncurkan cyber bus pertama di Indonesia dengan fasilitas ruang pertemuan lengkap dengan akses multimedia berkecepatan tinggi.

Andi Samsul Hadi, Head of Central Java & DIY Region Indosat, mengatakan terobosan baru tersebut untuk mengantisipasi pelanggan korporasi dengan mobilitas tinggi sehingga bisa tetap menjalankan aktivitas rapat selama dalam perjalanan.

"Perangkat multimedia yang tersedia dalam cyber bus ini menggunakan teknologi 3,5G dan broadband Indosat sehingga memungkinkan pelanggan melakukan berbagai akses dengan leluasa," ujarnya pada road sales cyber bus yang diuji coba melintas jalur Joglosemar (Yogja-Solo-Semarang) kemarin.

Dia menyebutkan fasilitas dalam cyber bus, antara lain telepon dan faximile menggunakan kartu Matrix yang terhubung ke GSM modem dengan fitur voice dan fax.

Fasilitas ini memungkinkan top manajemen yang melaksanakan meeting berjalan dalam cyber bus melakukan dan menerima panggilan sebagaimana layaknya telepon PSTN di kantor.

Selain itu, lanjutnya cyber bus ditunjang broadband 3.5G untuk mengakses sarana video conference di kantor secara virtual private network (VPN) sehingga kerahasiaan terjamin, Internet dan intranet mobile dengan kecepatan data 3,6 Mbps.

"Fasilitas Internet ini dapat berpindah otomatis ke layanan GPRS/EDGE saat berpindah ke wilayah yang belum terlayani 3,5 G sehingga terjamin koneksinya tak terputus di perjalanan," katanya.

Andi menambahkan kelengkapan lain adalah kemampuan akses e-mail korporasi baik secara exchange server maupun POP3, melakukan download atau upload data perusahaan dengan aplikasi server internal perusahaan.

Juru Bicara PO Nusantara Andi Darmawan menjelaskan perusahaan menginvestasikan dana Rp4 miliar lebih untuk membangun cyber bus dengan spesifikasi khusus.

"Kami mengimpor khusus untuk cyber bus ini, yaitu Volvo seri B12 M bermesin 12.000 cc dengan kemampuan 420 daya kuda," katanya.

Menurut dia, cyber bus dibangun selama dua tahun untuk menemukan bentuk yang ideal, baik eksterior maupun interior bus berkapasitas sekitar 12 orang tersebut. Bus memiliki fasilitas satu sofa panjang, dua kursi putar, dua kursi permanen, satu kursi refleksi, dua tempat tidur, lemari es, dan toilet.

Oleh Edy Barlianto
Bisnis Indonesia

Bikin MSD Pro 512MB jadi 1GB atau 1GB jadi 2GB

Bikin MSD Pro 512MB jadi 1GB atau 1GB jadi 2GB
15/11/2005 17:55

MSD pro 512MB bisa jadi 1 GB dan 1GB bisa jadi 2GB. Sy dah pernah nyoba dan sukses ada yg mau nyoba juga ... sekalian share kalo ada masalah. Selama ini sy sih aman2 aja.

Ini kutipannya :

First of all, I am not responseble for any loss of data or any damage of your Hardware. But I can tell you that there is no need to be afraid that the hardware will be damaged. You can, if you have problems, put the memorystick in phone and format it in the phone and everything is ok again...

- Save your stuff from the memorystick.
- Put the stick in the phone (only tested with K750i)
- stick the phone to the cable
- start Disk Manager, you will see the formated and the unallocated space
- mark the Drive icon (of the phone) in the above table, where your partitons are indicated
- If marked, a X type icon appears under the "FILE | ACTION...etc" menu, the X type Icon is for deleting...
- press it and it will delete your partiton for the memorystick, then you have 1 big partiton which is unallocated
- now just make a new partion, and format it using FAT or FAT16
- thats it... now you turned your 512 mb stick into a 1024 stick

I tested it right after doing it and I was able to put more than 600 mb on it, but it had some problems, the phone went of everytime I turned the cam on. But thats actually it. I think its because I stored a Image file which was bigger than 500 MB... its working now perfect, I deleted the 500 mb big image file...
if more problems occur I will let you know...
Sumber: Forumponsel.com
Link: http://www.forumponsel.com/forum/showflat-Number-1186805-page-3sb=5-sb-5

Nokia 6300

Nokia 6300 gaya sesungguhnya tak pernah berlebihan
Handphone tipis dengan keunggulan :
1. Kamera 2MP dengan zoom 8x digital zoom,
2. Resolusi warna mencapai 16,7juta warna,
3. Suport mmc sampai 2G,
4. Radio,
5. Bluetooth,
6. Phone yang besar, bisa menyimpan sampai 1000 nama,
Ponsel keren dan beken ini ditawarkan dengan harga Rp.1.800rb
Terima antar dalam dan luar kota
Harga diatas belum termasuk ongkos kirim
Harga dapat berubah sewaktu - waktu dan harga diatas adalah harga pasaran tertinggi
Sistem pembayaran Transfer By BCA 3981239596 A/n Johannes Putra Puluh
Pemesanan barang hubungi
Mandala Cellular
Roxy Square
Lt. Ground Blok A9/19
021-92585892, 021-92729729, 021-98729729, 081808028080

Wifone Bridge F100 second

Di jual pesawat telepon rumah Wifone Bridge F100 khusus esia bisa pakai buat internetan hanya 125 rupiah/menitnya tidak pakai voucher khusus , barang second tapi masih mulus banget deh boleh dibilang seperti baru, lengkap dus buku, kabel data, dijamin gak akan kecewa. Keistimewaannya adalah walaupun kita berinternet ria, telepon masih bisa digunakan untuk terima telepon tanpa terputus jaringan internetnya.
Barang ini kami tawarkan dengan harga khusus hanya Rp.400rb saja, gratis ongkir ke rumah dan seting internetnya di PC/Laptop anda
Hubungi :
Mandala Cellular
Roxy Square
Lt. Ground Blok A9/19
021-98729729, 021-92729729, 021-92585892

SIM Card Generasi Mendatang Menggunakan USB atau MMC

SIM Card Generasi Mendatang Menggunakan USB atau MMC
(Senin, 27 November 2006) (4194) SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card atau kartu chip yang digunakan pada handphone GSM merupakan suatu objek yang sangat berperan penting, selain sebagai penyimpan nomor ICCID (International Circuit Card ID) yang unik dan menentukan nomor handphone, SIM card juga dapat menyimpan beberapa informasi lainya seperti SMS dan phonebook walaupun jumlah nya tidak banyak tapi cukup untuk mayoritas pengguna handphone.

Masalah dengan SIM card saat ini adalah kapasitas penyimpanan yang kurang banyak, saat ini kapasitas SIM card pada umumnya sebesar 16, 32, 64 dan 128 kilobyte, sekarang sebuah operator di Prancis yaitu Orange telah mengeluarkan SIM card yang berkapasitas 128 megabyte, hal ini merupakan pembekakan ukuran yang cukup terasa walaupun masih dinilai kecil jika dibandingkan ukuran penyimpanan media kecil lainya.

Jika masalah ukuran kapasitas SIM card telah bisa diselesaikan maka timbul masalah lainnya yaitu interface baca tulis SIM card yang saat ini hanya menggunakan protokol transfer data yang berkecepatan maximum hanya hingga 9600 bps (bits per second = 1,200 bytes per second), interface ini jika digunakan untuk membaca seluruh data SIM card yang berukuran 128 MB akan membuat penggunanya pusing menunggu, jangankan yang berukuran 128 MB sedangkan SIM card kita yang berukuran 64 KB saja jika kita ingin baca phonebook nya setelah baru menyalakan handphone harus membuat kita menunggu selama sekitar 30 detik.

Para vendor pembuat SIM card sedang ramai membicarakan tentang pembuatan interface baru untuk SIM card masa mendatang, ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) akhirnya telah menyetujui sebuah standard baru untuk SIM card yaitu USB (Universal Serial Bus), padahal dulunya terlihat bahwa MMC (Multimedia Memory Card) kemungkinan besar akan terpilih.

Apapun standard SIM card generasi mendatang akan mebuat para vendor pembuat handphone untuk dapat memasarkan produk barunya yang kompatibel dengan standard baru SIM card dalam kurun waktu paling tidak 2 tahun. Kedua pilihan tersebut antara USB dan MMC memang memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan sendiri sendiri, pada USB maka keuntungannya adalah pin kontak yang dibutuhkan hanya dua yang membuat pin pin lainnya pada SIM card dapat digunakan untuk keperluan lain, tapi USB menggunakan tegangan 5 Volt yang artinya akan lebih menghabiskan daya baterai, sedangkan MMC menggunakan lebih banyak PIN tapi hanya memerlukan tegangan 3.3 Volt atau 1.8 Volt (low voltage MMC). Ada beberapa perusahaan yang telah membuat standard baru untuk SIM card tapi bersifat proprietary (special) tapi memiliki semua kelebihan dari USB dan MMC, tapi ternyata standard proprietary yang disodorkan telah ditolak karena takut akan adanya biaya ijin penggunaan.

Jika sekarang sudah ada SIM card 128 MB, maka setelah 2 tahun mendatang ketika handphone model baru keluar yang telah mendukung SIM card generasi mendatang maka ukuran kapasitas SIM card akan sangat bertambah lagi, mungkin mencapai hingga ukuran gigabyte. Apakah pada nantinya memori external yang sekarang digunakan pada perangkat handphone tidak akan digunakan lagi karena sudah ada SIM card yang multi fungsi dan berukuran besar ? Jika memang nanti tidak memakai memori luar yang berupa MMC/RS-MMC/MMC Mobile/SD/miniSD/MicroSD (TransFlash)/Memory Stick Pro Duo (Sony Ericsson) maka apakah kiranya nanti handphone bisa melakukan HOT-SWAP SIM card ? karena khan repot kalau harus matiin handphone untuk ganti SIM card. Kiranya siapa yang masih ingin memakai sistem 2 kartu seperti sekarang yaitu SIM card + memori luar ? silahkan berikan argumentasi anda.

(Sumber http://www.cardtechnology.com/article.html?id=20061120HW2OHV25 dan http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/11/22/megasims_to_be_usb)

WTE 300

- Waktu Siaga samapi dengan 100 jam, waktu bicara sampai dengan 2.4 jam
- Jam
- Alarm
- Scheduler
- Colors Silver
- Polyphonic Ringtone
- 7 LED Backlighting
- English dan Multi-language Input Method
- Maximum 160 characters in English
- Phone book 199
Ditawarkan dengan harga damai Rp.250rb saja
Pemesanan hubungi:
Mandala Cellular
Roxy Square lt. Ground blok A9/19
Telp: 021-92729729, 021-98729729, 021-92585892

Huawei C2601

Kembali hadir di tengah pasaran Handphone dengan harga yang sangat manis sekali untuk segera di beli n jangan sampai ketinggalan Huawei C2601 sebagai pendobrak awal Handphone murah di Indonesia sekarang ini hanya di jual dengan harga Rp.200rb saja sudah termasuk PPN
Adapun kelebihan dari Handphone ini adalah bisa merekam pembicaraan kita, perekam pembicaraan orang lain, Ringtone polyphonic, suara speaker yang lebih halus dan lebih jernih, bonus nomor perdana esia dengan bonus tambahan 1500 sms
Terima antar dalam dan luar kota
Harga belum termasuk ongkos kirim
Pembayaran COD (Cash On Delivery)
Transfer via BCA 3981239596 A/N Johannes Putra Puluh
Buruan beli sebelum kehabisan
Pemesanan hub:
Mandala Cellular
Roxy Square
Lt. Ground Blok A9/19
Telp : 021-98729729, 021-92729729, 021-92585892

Cara Jitu Hemat Internet

Situasi pasca kenaikan harga BBM justru berujung pada kenaikan berbagai macam harga produk dan jasa mengharuskan kita lebih cermat dan hemat mengatur pengeluaran. Salah satunya dengan memangkas pos - pos pengeluaran tidak terlalu mendesak. Mungkin buat sebagian orang, pengeluaran untuk biaya akses internet termasuk pos pengeluaran yang dimaksud tadi.

Nah, penghematan biaya internet ini tidak hanya bisa dilakukan dengan mengurangi durasi atau frekuensi pemakaian, tapi juga bisa disiasati dengan tehnik - tehnik tertentu. Misalnya bagi pengguna internet yang mengandalkan akses CDMA berazaskan volume based, dengan mengurangi tampilan gambar, atau menonaktifkan fitur multimedia lainnya pada browser yang digunakan

1. Menonaktifkan konten multimedia

Bagi pengguna browser internet Explorer, pilihan penonaktian ada di menu "Tool">Internet Option>klik tab "Advance", lalu cari bagian "Multimedia". Jika sudah, hilangkan tanda cek list di beberapa pilihan seperti "Show image,...", Play Animation...", Play sound..." dan lainnya yang Anda anggap tidak terlalu penting.

Jika Anda pengguna browser Opera, masuk ke menu "Tools">Preferences">pilih tab "Advance". Dengan begitu, tidak akan banyak file yang akan di download pada halaman web. Tapi cara ini tentu sedikit mebuat Anda tidak nyaman. Nah jika Anda memerlukan konten - konten tadi, silahkan diaktifkan kembali.

2.Menonaktifkan download otomatis

Beberapa software atau aplikasi terdapat pilihan download otomatis. Biasanya ini terkait dengan layanan pembaruan (update) yang dibuat oleh pihak pengembang. Contohnya ada di aplikasi antivirus, browser sampai pemutar musik.
Terkadang ketika download otomatis ini aktif tidak disertai dengan pemberitahuan terlebih dulu. Sehingga kita tak sadar ternyata pulsa sudah terpotong banyak. Nah, coba perhatikan lagi aplikasi-aplikasi yang ada di PC Anda.

3.Menggunakan Web Accelerator

Selain dua cara di atas, Anda dapat menggunakan trik yang ke tiga yaitu Google Web Accelerator. Google Web Accelerator di desain khusus untuk mempercepat akses internet Anda. Cara ini dapat menghemat biaya Internet jika Anda menggunakan sistem pentarifan time based.

Agar dapat menggunakan Google Web Accelerator, PC Anda harus bersistem operasi Windows XP atau Windows 2000 atau yang lebih baru dan browser Internet Explorer versi 5.5 ke atas atau Mozila Firefox 1.0. Untuk browser lainnya sebenarnya juga bisa, tetapi anda harus mengkonfigurasi proxy settings dari browser anda dengan menambah pada HTTP.

Setelah anda melakukan instalasi, Google Web Accelerator akan menampilkan icon kecil di atas browser anda dan icon tray di pojok bawah layar komputer. Anda dapat mengunduh Google Web Accelerator di Http://Webaccelerator.google.com

Nah semoga dengan cara-cara ini Anda dapat lebih berhemat

Sumber Tabloid Ponsel
Di tulis oleh D.Iskandar

Minggu, 08 Juni 2008

HOW MAKE YOUR WIFE/HUSBAND HAPPY To help strengthening the Muslim families and spread the teachings of Islam in building families, the Muslim Students' Association at the University of Alberta prepared a extremely summarized translation for two books. The books are Arabic by Sheikh Mohammad Abdelhaleem Hamed. An Egyptian scholar, who graduated from the Islamic University of AlMadinah Al-Munawwarah in Saudi Arabia. The two books are:

1- How to make your wife happy
2- How to make your husband happy

These books exceed the traditional presentation of stating rights and duties to the 'Adab (good manners) and extend into application of these rights in daily life. The following summary highlights mainly the responsibilities or examples of what could or should be done. Every single item mentioned by the author is supported by evidences from Qur'an, Sunnah or the actions of the companions, but evidences are omitted in this translation. The following is the translation of the FIRST book.

This translation is copyrighted to MSA at University of Alberta. Feel free to repost it or reprint it by all means, provided that you do not make any changes, additions, or omissions without permission.

1. Beautiful Reception. After returning from work, school, travel, or whatever has separated you:

  • begin with a good greeting
  • start with Assalamau 'Aliaykum and a smile. Salam is a sunnah and a du'aa for her as well
  • Shake her hand and leave bad news for later!

2. Sweet Speech and Enchanting Invitations
  • Choose words that are positive and avoid negative ones
  • Give her your attention when you speak or she speaks
  • Speak with clarity and repeat words if necessary until she understands
  • Call her nice names that she likes, e.g. my sweet-heart, honey, saaliha, etc

3. Friendliness and Recreation

  • Spend time talking together
  • Spread to her good news
  • Remember your good memories together

4. Games and Distractions
  • Joking around & having a sense of humor
  • Playing and competing with each other in sports or whatever
  • Taking her to watch permissible (halal) types of entertainment
  • Avoiding prohibited (haram) things in your choices of entertainment

5. Assistance in the Household

  • Doing what you as an individual can/like to do that helps out, especially if she is sick or tired
  • The most important thing is making it obvious that he appreciates her hard work

6. Consultation (Shurah) Specifically in family matters

  • Giving her the feeling that her opinion is important to you
  • Studying her opinion carefully
  • Be willing to change an opinion for hers if it is better
  • Thanking her for helping you with her opinions

7. Visiting Others

  • Choosing well raised people to build relations with. There is a great reward in visiting relatives and pious people. (Not in wasting time while visiting!)
  • Pay attention to ensure Islamic manners during visits
  • Not forcing her to visit whom she does not feel comfortable with

8. Conduct During Travel
  • Offer a warm farewell and good advice
  • Ask her to pray for him
  • Ask pious relatives and friends to take care of the family in your absence
  • Give her enough money for what she might need
  • Try to stay in touch with her whether by phone, e-mail, letters, etc.
  • Return as soon as possible
  • Bring her a gift!
  • Avoid returning at an unexpected time or at night
  • Take her with you if possible

9. Financial Support

  • The husband needs to be generous within his financial capabilities. He should not be a miser with his money (nor wasteful).
  • He gets rewards for all what he spends on her sustenance even for a small piece of bread that he feeds her by his hand (hadeith).
  • He is strongly encouraged to give to her before she asks him.

10. Smelling Good and Physical Beautification
  • Following the Sunnah in removing hair from the groin and underarms.
  • Always being clean and neat
  • Put on perfume for her

11. Intercourse

  • It is obligatory to do it habitually if you have no excuse (sickness, etc.)
  • Start with "Bismillah" and the authentic du'a.
  • Enter into her in the proper place only (not the anus)
  • Begin with foreplay including words of love
  • Continue until you have satisfied her desire
  • Relax and joke around afterwards
  • Avoid intercourse during the monthly period because it haram
  • Do what you can to avoid damaging her level of Hiyaa (shyness and modesty) such as taking your clothes together instead of asking her to do it first while you are looking on
  • Avoid positions during intercourse that may harm her such as putting pressure on her chest and blocking her breath, especially if you are heavy
  • Choose suitable times for intercourse and be considerate as sometimes she maybe sick or exhausted.

12. Guarding Privacy

  • Avoid disclosing private information such as bedroom secrets, her personal problems and other private matters.

13. Aiding in the Obedience to Allah

  • Wake her up in the last third of the night to pray "Qiam-ul-Layl" (extra prayer done at night with long sujood and ruku'ua)
  • Teach her what you know of the Qur'an and its tafseer
  • Teach her "Dhikr" (ways to remember Allah by the example of the prophet) in the morning and evening
  • Encourage her to spend money for the sake of Allah such as in a charity sale
  • Take her to Hajj and Umrah when you can afford to do so

14. Showing Respect for her Family and Friends
  • Take her to visit her family and relatives, especially her parents
  • Invite them to visit her and welcome them
  • Give them presents on special occasions
  • Help them when needed with money, effort, etc.
  • Keep good relations with her family after her death if she dies first. Also in this case the husband is encouraged to follow the sunnah and keep giving what she used to give in her life to her friends and

15. (Islamic) Training & Admonition. This includes:

  • The basics of Islam
  • Her duties and rights
  • Reading and writing
  • Encouraging her to attend lessons and halaqahs
  • Islamic rules (ahkam) related to women
  • Buying Islamic books and tapes for the home library

16. Admirable Jealousy

  • Ensure she is wearing proper hijab before leaving house
  • Restrict free mixing with non-mahram men
  • Avoiding excess jealousy. Examples of this are:

  • 1- Analyzing every word and sentence she says and overloading her speech by meanings that she did not mean
    2- Preventing her from going out of the house when the reasons are just
    3- Preventing her from answering the phone.
    4- etc.

17. Patience and Mildness

  • Problems are expected in every marriage so this is normal. What is wrong is excessive responses and magnifying problems until a marital breakdown.
  • Anger should be shown when she exceeds the boundaries of Allah SWT, by delaying prayers, backbiting, watching prohibited scenes on TV, etc.
  • Forgive the mistakes she does to you (See item 18)
  • How can you best correct her mistakes?

  • 1- First, implicit and explicit advice several times.
    2- Then by turning your back to her in bed (displaying your feelings). Note that this does not include leaving the bedroom to another room, leaving the house to another place, or not talking with her.
    3- The last solution is lightly hitting (when allowable) her. In this case, the hsuband should consider the following:
      • He should know that sunnah is to avoid beating as the Prophet PBUH never beat a woman or a servant.
      • He should do it only in extreme cases of disobedience, e.g. refusing intercourse without cause frequently, constantly not praying on time, leaving the house for long periods of time without permission nor refusing to tell him where she had been, etc.
      • It should not be done except after having turned from her bed and discussing the matter with her as mentioned in Qur'an
      • He should not hit her hard injuring her, or hit her on her face or on sensitive parts of her body
      • He should avoid shaming her such as by hitting her with a shoe, etc.

18. Pardoning and Appropriate Censure
  • Accounting her only for larger mistakes
  • Forgive mistakes done to him but account her for mistakes done in Allah's rights, e.g. delaying prayers, etc.
  • Remember all the good she does whenever she makes a mistake
  • Remember that all humans err so try to find excuses for her such as maybe she is tired, sad, having her monthly cycle or that her commitment to Islam is growing
  • Avoid attacking her for the bad cooking of the food as the Prophet PBUH never blamed any of his wives for this. If he likes the food, he eats and if he doesn't then he does not eat and does not comment
  • Before declaring her to be in error, try other indirect approaches that are more subtle than direct accusations
  • Escape from using insults and words that may hurt her feelings
  • When it becomes necessary to discuss a problem wait until you have privacy from others
  • Waiting until the anger has subsided a bit can help to keep a control on your words.


Talking About Love

We have to listen for love in those around us. If we listen intently we will discover that we are a lot more loved than we realize. Listen for love and we will find that the world is a very loving place after all.

LOVE is a happy thing.

It makes us laugh.

It makes us sing.

It makes us sad.

It makes us cry.

It makes us seek the reason why.

It makes us take.

It makes us give.

Above all else it makes us LIVE.

It is not the presence or absence of people that makes the difference because a person need not be lonely even if he is alone. Sometimes it is good to be alone. But that does not make us lonely. It is not a matter of being present WITH someone. It is a matter of being present to someone.

So remember...If you love someone, tell them. Remember always to say what you mean. Never be afraid to express yourself. Take this opportunity to tell someone what they mean to you. Seize the day and have no regrets.

Most importantly, stay close to your friends and family, for they have helped make you the person that you are today and are what it's all about anyway.

Pass this along to your friends. Let it make a difference in your day and theirs. The difference between expressing love and having regrets is that regrets will stay around with us. Love is meant to be sent away. But when the love we sent out is received and especially when it is reciprocated, our lives and feelings will be full


  1. Admit when you're wrong and don't be too stubborn . If you really messed up, you might want to plan a special date to apologize. When you're wrong, don't act like it was her fault. Don't just apologize, though - back it up with actions. And Always give her a cooling period if she's really mad, then offer to work it out. Remember, communication and compromise works, not talking it out doesn't.
  2. Go out of your way to spend time with her but give her some space too. Try to clear enough time for a romantic dinner or, more casually, a movie. If it's just not possible, at least make the effort to talk to her, but don't overdo it.
  3. Don't nag. Don't seem too needy; she'll find it annoying. Don't act like she should be grateful for your company, either.
  4. Show that you're genuinely glad to see her. Be glad to see her and show that you are not faking or exaggerating it. If your usual first reaction isn't a smile, there may be something wrong with the relationship. If you're just having a bad day, put it aside and grin. A hug can't hurt once in a while either, but don't crowd her or struggle to build up a budding relationship with lots of affection.
  5. Never cut her off or act uninterested in what she has to say. That's not to say don't interrupt at all - sometimes what you have to say can't wait. But if this happens, return to the subject she was on. If she seems a little hurt, apologize (not profusely. A simple 'sorry' will do). Don't just change the subject to something else.
  6. Remember that no means no. Don't pressure her for sex if she's not ready! Always test the waters first, with both words and actions. As your relationship progresses, you can start to get more physical, but take it very slowly. If she seems hesitant, back off - even if she doesn't say anything. She'll open up in time. (If she's an abuse survivor or something along those lines, that's a different situation entirely. Get her to talk to someone if she's not already.)
  7. Laugh at her jokes. If they're not funny and you're not good at faking, don't try - a fake laugh is much worse than none at all. But try to make an effort. At least smile; everyone likes to think that they're funny.
  8. Do not show romantic interest in her friends. Not even a single one of them.
  9. Always tell the truth. No matter how much it hurts. Cause in the end, the truth is all that matters and if you lie and she finds out, you'll get screwed a lot more than if you told the truth and it hurts. Why would you lie anyways? Just make the truth as nice as possible without twisting it.

Jumat, 06 Juni 2008

Huntsville real estate

Huntsville Alabama is continuously being rewarded a variety of honors, from the hottest place for entrepreneurs to relocate to, to the most business-centered city in the Southeast U.S., ultimately Huntsville AL is the place to be. Relocating to Huntsville has never been easier. With a large variety of Huntsville homes on the market, finding a place that suits your individual needs doesn't have to be a daunting task. A Huntsville real estate professional has all the answers you require.

When it comes to Huntsville real estate, whether you're looking for a quiet town home on the edge of town, a more sophisticated condo or investment property, or perhaps a ranch or colonial to raise a family at, Huntsville real estate includes a variety of offerings for a variety of people. This diversity makes living here such an exciting experience.

Huntsville celebrates the Big Spring Jam at the end of September each year. The downtown area becomes a central point for Huntsville residents of all ages. Living in a community that combines Southern hospitality with a welcoming tone makes choosing a place to live even easier. Looking for Huntsville real estate can be an exciting experience. With the large variety of nearly 6,000+ available units on the market, finding the home of your dreams is a feasible task!

Whether you are someone that enjoys the outdoors (Huntsville has a variety of public parks, golf courses, municipal pools & more), or someone who enjoys browsing indoor establishments such as museums (Huntsville has a large variety of these too), Huntsville Alabama is a great place to live for someone single, married, with a family or without!

The town's distinct districts offer a variety of Huntsville real estate offerings. If you're looking for a Queen Anne-inspired colonial or a simple townhouse, whatever it is, a professional realtor can provide more details and a variety of places for you to browse. Ranch-styled homes as well as Tudor-inspired homes are also available! Allow your imagination to soar, Huntsville real estate has something for everyone.

Huntsville also offers a variety of investment property areas that are tailor to sell now! Businesses also thrive in this area, with several Fortune 500 companies and the town serving as a center for manufacturing, service and defense industries, Huntsville real estate is on fire. Come join the fun!

Helpful Tips When Refinancing your Home Loan

Many people are taking advantages of low rates by refinancing their mortgage loan. A question that often comes up is finding the best lender with the lowest refinancing mortgage rate can be a tough process. Are you aware that the rate quotes you receive when shopping for a new loan may have junk fees inside? Homeowners who learn to recognize some unnecessary fees can save thousands of dollars on their mortgage every year. Here are some helpful tips to so you get the best refinancing mortgage rates.

You may be required to pay an origination fee and a discount point fee to complete your home loan. At times, the mortgage broker offers you a rate so low that there is an additional cost to secure that rate and the borrower should pay that. However, there are other times when it is completely un-necessary. Homeowners who shop around for competing quotes can then see through the fluff and avoid paying double fees or discount points which can save themselves thousands of dollars every year.

As an example, a borrower is refinancing their home for $300,000. Your mortgage broker quotes you a rate of 6.50 percent and charges you a one percent fee. In this example the fee your broker charges is $3,000 which is a reasonable amount to pay. The problem is maybe your rate is not locked and rates jump and now your one percent fee moves to a higher rate of 6.875% .The broker may not tell you this has happened until the end when they throw the whammy on you that they can only do this rate at 1%, if you want the 6.50% rate, it will be 1.5%.

Is .375% of your mortgage rate worth agonizing over or just pay them the fees and get it done? In the scenario above, if you refinanced with the offered rate of six and one-half percent your payment would $1,896 per month. If you agree to the mortgage rate of 6.875% your mortgage payment would be $1,970 per month at 6.875%. This adds up to an additional $897 annually that you'll pay due to an irresponsible or inexperienced lender or broker. This is why you need to know the process before you jump in or it can become very costly over time. You can learn more about refinancing your mortgage online, what questions to ask, using an online calculator to determine if it is beneficial to refinance now, later or not at all.

MortgageLoanShop.net specializes in helping homeowners get the best mortgage rate when refinancing. Before you refinance your home, make sure you compare rates from local online lenders.

How To Find Freelance Writing Jobs Using Craigslist

Craiglist is a massive portal for online classifieds and forums varying from job opportunities, housing, goods, services, and local activities plus just about everything else. While the site is active in 450 cities around the globe, it attracts over 9 billion hits per month.

If you are in to freelance writing, Craiglist will be your perfect starting point. To begin with, login to craigslist.org – The first method to get about finding a job is by performing a search. For this you will need to select a country and/or a city that you would like to take the job from; e.g. London. Then you can browse through the ‘jobs’ category to find freelance writing jobs that suit you.

Once you spot interesting opportunities, you can follow its hyperlink to read through details of the job. On any given job posting, there will be a posting ID and a phone number, email address or other contact information. If you are interested in trying out the opportunity, simply go ahead and contact the relevant party.

Here’s another approach to performing a search. When you go to the city level (in some cases country level as well) you’ll see a search box on to your left hand side. Simply enter keywords such as “writing” or “editing” and select “jobs” from the dropdown to begin your search. You will see search results matching your keywords presented in chronological order. As you may already assume, finding a job this way can consume a lot of time as there will be thousands of listings. So one option you’ve got is to narrow down the search by selecting or deselecting parameters below the search field, which will produce more accurate results.

If not, your best deal is to post your own advertisement. To do this, simply navigate up to a city of your choice and use ‘post to classifieds’ link. Select the link ‘Service Offered’ and then, follow the link ‘writing/editing/translations’. Depending on the city or country you have chosen you, might be asked to select a specific geographical area; however your next step is to come up with a creative advertisement. Once you submit the advertisement, you will have to accept Craigslist terms of conditions. If you agree, you will be notified via email on how to publish your entry. Simply follow the guidelines and your advertisement will be published at the website for the coming 7 days, free of charge. However, make sure not to post too many ads as you may risk being suspended from the website. So if you are posting multiple advertisements, make sure to make them each unique and possibly use different email addresses too.

However, the most effective way of finding writing jobs on Craigslist is by subscribing for RSS feeds on writing jobs from each city. You will find the RSS feature at the bottom right corner of the website. So, with the help of a RSS feed aggregator, which you can find on Yahoo or Google for free, you can find the latest job listings delivered straight to you.

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